Workshop Evaluation sheet – Portuguese Case Study (Tagus River)

Workshop online – Portuguese Case Study (Tagus River)

“Integration of sensing and modelling technologies for early detection and follow-up of hazmat and flood hazards in transitional and coastal waters”

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for participating in this event organised in the frame of HazRunoff project.

We would appreciate if you could fill out this form and help us to improve the organisation and contents of the workshop for future editions.

Thank you very much in advance for your time.

A note on privacy
This survey is anonymous.
The record of your survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you, unless a specific survey question explicitly asked for it. If you used an identifying token to access this survey, please rest assured that this token will not be stored together with your responses. It is managed in a separate database and will only be updated to indicate whether you did (or did not) complete this survey. There is no way of matching identification tokens with survey responses.